Be sure that the lighting you choose is an unbreakable material like wood or plastic rather than glass or pottery to keep your child safe. It is also a good idea to secure any loose cords to a wall, floor, or table.
Lighting can be helpful in creating a cozy environment for your child to fall asleep each night. It is a good idea to keep a night light in their room or in a nearby hallway to help them feel safe and secure. This could include a simple plug-in light, a glowing object, or dimmable light bulbs.
Whether your child is creating a work of art, building a castle out of blocks, or completing a homework assignment, giving them space at their desk to spread out and learn is important. Try a clip on light to leave extra room to work or choose a multi-purpose lighting option like a desk lamp that doubles as a pencil holder.
Light-up shapes like a bright rocketship or a colour-changing unicorn can add creativity and fun to your child’s space. LED lights are another option to display a message in their room. Finally, use colourful string lights to create a cozy nook or additional reading light above their bed.
As your child grows into their room, it’s important to decide how the space will serve them in the future. How often will they study or watch TV in their room? Ideas for teenagers may include task lighting like floor lamps and table lamps or hanging lighting next to their bed to save up nightstand space.